Sunday 18 January 2015

Making Posters Interactive with ThingLink

Making posters is a tried-and-trusted activity that students enjoy and is ideal for review of a topic, consolidation of ideas or just allowing a student greater freedom over how they present their work.

Both an advantage and a possible drawback of posters are the fact that limited information can be conveyed - so why not make the poster interactive to allow a topic to be explored in greater detail, or how about adding audio and/or video to your poster! You can achieve this, for FREE, using ThingLink!

With ThingLink you can quickly and easily create accounts for students by copying and pasting in your class list - you can even group them into classes. For each class you can have one or more 'channels' to keep images organised.
As part of the review from a recent test I had students work through their test paper with a RAG self-analysis sheet. Once they had identified an area to target for improvement they were then tasked with creating a poster on that topic, using text books and their own notes to help them. Once completed I photographed each poster and added them to a channel for that group - named 'Poster Photos' - this would allow students to find their own poster quickly and easily.

Once students have located their poster they can 'remix' the image to add it to their account and then add a series of tags to the image. I then had students add their remixed poster to a second channel - 'Interactive Posters'. This effectively allows students to submit their work to me but also keeps all of the completed work in one place. I can then publish the link to this channel on Moodle so all of the interactive posters are available for students for revision.

Finally, the ThingLink interactive images work well on phones and tablets so why not create QR codes for the best posters to stick on to the original paper copy when you put it up in your classroom?

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